
Build your own PC

Why would you want to build your own computer? Not to save money. With a decent manufactured computer costing less than $400.00, it will cost you more to buy the parts to build your own. There are five advantages to building rather than buying.

1. Most manufactured computers are build using proprietary components. When (not if) your computer breaks down, you can’t use off-the-shelf replacement parts. You have to pay a lot more for the manufacturers proprietary replacement parts.

2. Low-cost manufactured computers use the cheapest components. These components are marginal or below specifications. When you build your own computer, you select the quality of each component.

3. When you have built your own computer, you are more knowledgeable and capable of performing your own troubleshooting. You don’t have to pay $75.00 per hour for a service technician.

4. When your computer becomes outdated, you can easily upgrade it yourself. You will be a better judge of when it’s more logical to build a new computer from scratch, or to update the old one.

5. You will feel the pride and confidence of having built your own computer. And, you will have proof that you really are smarter than your friends!

Yes, you can build your own computer. Today’s plug-and-play motherboards with onboard video, sound, and network circuitry make it easy. This highly illustrated ebook shows you how to build your own computer in 30 minutes (plus an hour of waiting while installing the operating system).
