Unfortunately, a PC Running Microsoft Windows is about as reliable as a 75 Gremlin. Although it's probably easier and cheaper to fix the Gremlin. For repairs, you could take your PC back to the place you purchased it - if you never want to see it again. Or maybe you could take it to an independent shop where they charge you $100.00 just to set it on the bench, and then charge you another $200.00 to replace the hard drive (the actual problem was a loose connector).
The wise thing to do would be to learn how to maintain and repair your own PC. That's what this ebook is all about. You'll learn about Your PC, from computer thermodynamics to plug and play resource allocation. How to maintain your computer, from defragmenting your hard disk to working with the registry. How to secure your computer, from user permissions to spyware blocking firewalls. How to troubleshoot your PC, from taking too long to start to bringing a totally dead computer back to life.
How do I know all this? I have been a computer hobbyist since about 1981. My first computer was a Commodore Vic 20. The first computer that I built myself was an IBM XT clone. The operating system I used was DOS version 2. I have built many PC's since then. I have probably tossed out more obsolete computer hardware and software than most people have seen in their lifetime.
This ebook also provides you with many important resources. Sources for free technical information. Sources for freeware and shareware PC diagnostic software. Web sites that give you free technical assistance. With these resourses you could start your own PC repair shop and charge $100.00 an hour!
I don't get many Opportunities to fix PC's now days, because whenever I start walking toward one that's acting up - it starts working again - all by itself. Especially if I have a screwdriver in my hand. So go ahead and read through this ebook. Someday you too will have your PC trained to obey.