
The Liberty Guide to Linux

Are you tired of being a slave to Microsoft’s monopolistic hold? As Mark Taber puts it, "being forced into using rigid, poorly designed, overpriced and unstable, bloated software". And now Windows XP stops working and you have to beg for Microsoft’s permission to use software that you overpaid for.

In April 2000, U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ruled that Microsoft violated two sections of the 1890 Sherman Act. He concluded that Microsoft was a monopoly that used anti-competitive means to maintain its dominance in Intel-based operating systems.

"Give me freedom from product activation or give me Linux" - Stephen Bucaro

Don’t subject yourself to Microsoft’s "product activation" abuse. There is a better operating system available that costs nothing, and you have the freedom to use as many copies of it as you want without begging for anyone's permission. It’s time to start.
