
Electronics Assistant

License : Freeware.

Electronics Assistant is a Windows program that performs electronics-related calculations. It includes a resistor colour code calculator, resistance, capacitance and power calculations and more. Details of calculations can be saved or printed. It provides all the functions found in the calculators section of this site and more in a stand-alone user friendly program.

Version 4.1 has now been released and includes the following new features:

  1. Updated user interface
  2. Extra calculators for inductance and frequency
  3. Calculation of nearest preferred resistor values with a choice of 5 series from E12 to E192
  4. Links to open Windows Calculator and up to 3 user-defined programs from Electronics Assistant
  5. Information panels can be toggled on or off to save space when not required
  6. Built-in automatic new version update check
  7. Various bug fixes and enhancements

Version 4.1 also fixes a number of errors found in version 4.0.


If the above link does'nt work try this mirror link: [Download]

Source : electronics2000